This page shows the all the directory entries and telephone numbers that cannot be called.

You can upload or download phone book by XML in the following settings:

Upload Procedure

  1. Navigate to Phone > Phone Book > Phone Book Upload & Download.
  2. Select the desired file from the 选择文件 field.
  3. Select Upload XML.

Download Procedure

  1. Navigate to Phone > Phone Book > Phone Book Upload & Download.
  2. Select Download XML.
Description It configures the refresh time during remote update.
Permitted Values Integer
Default Blank
Web UI FXS > Phone Book > Remote phonebook updated to local (xml) > Intervals(s)
Description It configures the URL server link for remote update.
Permitted Values String
Default Blank
Web UI FXS > Phone Book > Remote phonebook updated to local (xml) > URL

You can add a blacklist contact on the ATA to prevent someone from calling you.


  1. Navigate to FXS > Phone Book > Blacklist.
  2. Select Add.
  3. Enter the blacklist contact’s information.
  4. Navigate to OK > Save&Apply.
Author:admin  Create time:2023-11-16 14:06
Last editor:admin  Update time:2024-01-03 16:20