The ATA supports the DHCP function on the IPv6 LAN interface. You can use the LAN interface as the IPv6 DHCP server to assign IPv6 addresses to devices on the LAN. You can also use the LAN port for device debugging.

Parameter lan_ipaddr_v6
Description It configures the IP address for the IPv6 lan port.
Permitted Values IPv6 Address
Default fec0::1
Web UI Network > IPv6 LAN > IPv6 Address
Parameter lan_prefix_len_v6
Description It configures IPv6 Prefix Length.
Permitted Values Integer between 0 and 128
Default 64
Web UI Network > IPv6 LAN > IPv6 Prefix Length
Parameter dhcp6sEnabled
Description If it is enabled, the VPN network is used for transmission.
Permitted Values 0-Disable
Default 64
Web UI Network > IPv6 LAN > DHCPv6 Status
Parameter dhcp6sMode
Description Stateful:The DHCPv6 server automatically configures IPv6 addresses and prefixes, and assigns network configuration parameters such as DNS, NIS, and SNTP servers.
Stateless:The DHCP server allocates only parameters other than the IPv6 address, such as the DNS, NIS, and SNTP server addresses.
Permitted Values 0-Stateless
Default 0
Web UI Network > IPv6 LAN > DHCPv6 Mode
Parameter dhcp6s_domain_name
Description It configures the domain name of DNS server.
Permitted Values String
Default Blank
Web UI Network > IPv6 LAN > Domain Name
Parameter dhcp6s_server_preference
Description It configures the number of server address.
Permitted Values Integer between 0 and 255
Default 255
Web UI Network > IPv6 LAN > Server Preference
Parameter dhcp6s_primary_dns
Description It configures the IP address of primary DNS server.
Permitted Values 0-Disable
Default 64
Web UI Network > IPv6 LAN > Primary DNS Server
Parameter dhcp6s_secondary_dns
Description It configures the IP address of secondary DNS server.
Permitted Values 0-Disable
Default 64
Web UI Network > IPv6 LAN > Secondary DNS Server
Parameter dhcp6s_lease_time
Description It configures the lease time of IPv6 address.
Permitted Values Integer between 0 and 86400
Default 86400
Web UI Network > IPv6 LAN > Lease Time
Parameter dhcp6s_start - dhcp6s_end
Description It configures the IPv6 address pool range: Addresses are assigned from the address pool.
Default Blank
Web UI Network > IPv6 LAN > IPv6 Address Pool
Parameter radvdEnabled
Description The function switch is disabled by default.
Permitted Values 0-Disable
Default 64
Web UI Network > IPv6 LAN > Router Advertisement
Parameter radvd_advertise_interval
Description It is used to discover devices connected to the local link and to obtain prefixes and other configuration parameters related to address auto-configuration.
Permitted Values Integer between 10 and 1800
Default 30
Web UI Network > IPv6 LAN > Advertise Interval
Parameter radvd_managed_flag
Description Router Advertisement: To enable hosts and devices on the Layer 2 network to know its existence, each device periodically sends RA packets in group broadcast mode. The RA packets contain network prefix information and other flag bits. The Type field of the RA packet is 134.
Permitted Values 0-Disable
Default 0
Web UI Network > IPv6 LAN > RA Managed Flag
Parameter radvd_other_flag
Description Router Solicitation: The host wants to obtain the network prefix as soon as possible after connecting to the network. In this case, the host can immediately send RS packets, and the device on the network responds with RA packets. The Type field of the RS packet is 133.
Permitted Values 0-Disable
Default 1
Web UI Network > IPv6 LAN > RA Other Flag
Parameter radvd_prefix
Description It configures the range of IPv6 address prefix.
Permitted Values IPv6 Address
Default Blank
Web UI Network > IPv6 LAN > Prefix
Parameter radvd_prefix_life_time
Description It configures the validity period of an IPv6 address prefix.
Permitted Values Integer between 0 and 3600
Default 3600
Web UI Network > IPv6 LAN > Prefix Lifetime
Author:admin  Create time:2023-11-17 14:54
Last editor:admin  Update time:2024-01-03 16:20