DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) connects web, e-mail etc. Server allowed external to access to this area. Make the internal network located the back of the zone of confidence and not allow any access, separation of inside and outside the network, protect user information. DMZ can be understood that a special area of the network and different from the external network or intranet. Public server that does not contain confidential information usually placed in DMZ, such as web, Mail, FTP etc. Accuser from intranet can visit the service of DMZ, but can’t contact with confidential or private information stored in the network. Even if DMZ server is damaged, it will not be confidential information in the internal network.

Parameter DMZEnable
Description It enables or disables the DMZ feature.
Permitted Values 0-Disable
Default 0
Web UI Network > DMZ > DMZ Enable
Parameter DMZAddress
Description It configures the address of DMZ server.
Permitted Values IP Address
Default Blank
Web UI Network > DMZ > DMZ Host IP Address
Author:admin  Create time:2023-11-21 10:37
Last editor:admin  Update time:2024-01-03 16:20