This section focuses on the use of FDC software management functions, including:

Device function:

  • Scan
  • Reboot
  • Open Web
  • Factory Default
  • Upgrade Firmware
  • Upload Phonebook
  • Set Provision profile rule
  • Configure IP Direct Call
  • Read and Set Parameters

File function:

  • Import/Export device parameters
  • Import/Export device profiles
  • Auto Upload Device Configuration file

Other function:

  • Export info
  • Export MAC/SN


There are two ways to perform device function operations:

  • Select the device you want to perform the operation on -> Click Device -> Select Device features

  • Select Single device -> Right click -> Select Device Features

Author:Gloria  Create time:2023-12-26 17:15
Last editor:Gloria  Update time:2024-01-03 16:34