SAS Configuration

Route: SAS -> SAS Configuration

This page is the main configuration page of SAS function.

PBX/UC Cloud Configuration:

Parameter Description
SAS Enable to use SAS function
Proxy Server Fill in the address of PBX to forward. This will be send to the “Proxy Server” blank of IP Phone when using SIP PnP
Proxy Port Default for 5060, please check if this is the same with IP Phone’s setting
Outbound Server Fill in the address of PBX proxy server to forward
Outbound Port Default for 5060, please check if this is the same with IP Phone’s setting
Backup Outbound Server Fill in the address of backup PBX proxy server to forward
Backup Outbound Port Default for 5060, please check if this is the same with IP Phone’s setting

All the correct cases and their detection logic

  1. Correctly fill in Proxy Server、Outbound Server、Backup Outbound Server, FTA5120 will prioritize detecting the status of Outbound Server, when Outbound Server is fails,it will detect Backup Outbound Server, if both of the Outbound Server fail, FTA5120 will turn to Emergency Mode.
  2. Fill in Proxy Server only, FTA5120 will detect the status of Proxy Server.
  3. Fill in Proxy Server and Outbound Server Or Proxy Server and Backup Outbound Server: under the above two situations, FTA5120 will detect the status of Outbound Server (Backup Outbound Server), when the target server fails,FTA5120 will turn to Emergency Mode

SIP Configuration

Parameter Description
SIP Option Timeout(ms) Timeout period of detecting the status of the PBX, default for 4000ms
SIP Option Interval(s) Time interval for detecting status of the PBX, default for 10s
SIP Record Route Enable or disable carrying routing information in the message header field
Author:admin  Create time:2023-12-01 16:03
Last editor:Albert  Update time:2023-12-14 09:06