Customer Register

Administrators can register, log out, edit, and search customer information.

  • Register
    Before creating a login account for a customer, you need to register the customer information, create a retailer name, and add a retailer description.
  1. Administrator->Customer Register->Register.
  2. Create a retailer name and add a retailer description.
  • Unregister
    You can unregister the customer directly on the customer register interface. ( This operation is dangerous and the browser will pop up to confirm )
  • Edit
    Customer information that has been successfully added can be edited again. Including: retailer name and retailer description.
  • Search
    You can search for customers based on the name or description by keywords. This operation supports fuzzy search.

    You can click the reset button to clear the search bar.
Author:Gloria  Create time:2023-12-08 09:53
Last editor:Vertin  Update time:2023-12-12 10:18