Profile Settings

  • Add
    Add Profile and fill in the details.
  1. Click “Profile Management” -> Add.
  2. Set parameters and click OK.

The following table shows the parameter description:

Retailer Name Fill in customer name
Profile Name Fill in Profile name
Profile URL auto-provisioning server URL address after redirection
Username If the auto-provisioning server has relevant authentication and authentication turned on, you need to fill in the authentication user name here. If not, leave it blank.
Password If the auto-provisioning server has relevant authentication and authentication turned on, you need to fill in the authentication password here. If not, leave it blank.
Certificate file If the auto-provisioning server requires the terminal device to have certificate authentication when automatically obtaining the configuration, upload the relevant certificate provided by the auto-provisioning server here to be used for the authentication connection of the terminal device. If not, it will not be uploaded.
  • Delete
    For a profile that has been added successfully, you can perform the “delete” operation. You can also check multiple checkboxes for batch deletion, up to 10 pieces of information can be deleted. ( This operation is dangerous and the browser will pop up to confirm)
  • Search
    For a profile that has been added successfully, you can query the profile through profile name, customer name, profiler URL and other information. This operation supports fuzzy search.

    You can click the reset button to clear the search bar.
  • Edit
    Profile information that has been added successfully can be “edited” and “delete” according to your needs. Including Profile name, customer name, Profile URL and other information.
Author:Gloria  Create time:2023-12-08 10:56
Last editor:Vertin  Update time:2023-12-12 10:18